
2023-10-20 0 463



1. 软件漏洞或者故障


2. 资源负荷过大


3. 过期的软件版本


4. 授权问题


What Are the Software Problems That Can Cause a Server to Restart?

A server restart is a cumbersome and costly event for any company. And software problems are often one of the main causes of server restarts. Let’s take a look at what software issues can cause a server to restart.

1. Software Vulnerabilities or Faults

Software vulnerabilities or faults are the main reason why servers crash and restart. If the software is not fully tested during the development process, or if vulnerabilities are not fixed in a timely manner, it may cause the server to restart. That is why we generally suggest testing the stability and security of any software before using it.

2. Resource Overload

If the resources required by the application or service on the server exceed the maximum that the server can provide, it may cause the server to restart. This usually occurs during high traffic, such as holidays or busy periods in the company. If your server restarts due to a resource overload, we recommend adding or increasing server configurations or load balancers.

3. Outdated Software Versions

Similar to software vulnerabilities, outdated software versions can also cause server restarts. Before releasing a new version, software developers usually patch vulnerabilities and enhance performance in the existing version. Using an outdated software version means that you miss these patches and improvements, leading to server crashes and restarts.

4. Licensing Issues

Some software requires licenses for use. If licensing issues arise, it may cause the server to restart. This is usually due to expired licenses, certificate errors, or problems during the installation process. To avoid licensing issues, we recommend updating licenses and certificates in a timely manner and carefully checking all settings when installing software.



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